growing fatter everyday
pics from sakae sushi 2 weeks ago...
LOL Have been eating buffets, and when not buffet-ing i'll be craving for food. I think i'm like eating more than a normal meal, almost finished up the buddy meal man. I can feel myself grow fatter everyday.

In school now, going for bt practice later, evaluation tomolo as well..
Holiday ENDS!
One week of holiday is over and first week of school reopen is going to end as well.. Nothing much.. just normal school days... Recently my mouth had a ulcer so big i'm afraid to imagine, can't even had a good night sleep coz it's hurting even in my sleep.
Here are the pictures for sakae sushi... really had a great time there eating, fulfilled my stomach,, but it was only awhile.. anyway have a little phobia for it right now.

Attended the first basic theory lesson and it was ok... After the second lesson this saturday i'm ready to take the evaluation and test! Woohoo!
Skipped school on wednesday, slept till near noon. Watched the game plan in the afternoon, the show's funny and touching.. worth watching. Time passes fast, its mid november already, very soon it'll be school holidays again, then christmas, then its the new year already... incredible man.
I'm so tired, mentally and physically, desperately need some sleep.
And if any one has any part-time job please come find me...
Tuesday went to bbdc with xian and niamniam to register for driving lessons, after much consideration, niamniam and me decide to take photo, and that goh shu xian decided not to learn! After that went to IMM to to meet ping and celebrate xian's belated birthday woooo..... We had dinner at hong kong cafe and went to shop around.
Yesterday wednesday was supposed to go to acer centre to fix my laptop camera... who knows early in the morning i on my com only to find a black screen, make me so fustrated man. Anyway, it make the trip more worthwhile, coz not only the camera has to be repaired, but the WHOLE computer have to be repaired! AND when the repairman on it, it is PREFECTLY okay... this bloody laptop. But i had my camera fixed.
Tomorrow going for sakae sushi buffet, that's the things i'm looking forward to in the holidays... yumyum! I can't wait to eatttttttttttttttttttttt, haa but before that going to bbdc to top up card and book lessons. I'm going to starve myself before going for buffet.
It's thursday already... nearing the end of the holiday.. zzz... and i have not study for UT yet.
Monday lunch time went to booklink with my friends and guess who i saw, i saw adorra!! Oh i miss her lots, she's my semester 1 classmate, had a little chat then she back. The last time i saw her was like 2 months ago when we were still classmates...... but it seems like it was a long time ago. When i think of her, all i can think of is her smiling and talking to herself, haha. As usual monday's culture was boring, and i mean that was when the lesson is going on, i was dreaming and almost fall asleep. During break time i was probably laughing the whole time besides doing a little work... break time is more fun.
Tuesday last minute decided not to go to school, went for breakfast at mac then went to library to play games, then watched unrest at tiong bahru.. coz its only $6. The show is damn gross can.... Holiday started already, finally i can take a break and
SLEEP! That's the most important thing to do during holiday, but its only one week. Today i woke up at 11+ and i am still feeling damn tired.
Today went to bukit merah to have dinner with my family. We went to a buffet restaurant we often go when i was young, but it moved place already, not as high class and it downgraded to a smaller place, so disappointed man coz i will never get to see that old place anymore. The food also changed, more dishes but no more buffet... i was looking forward to a buffet, in the end my stomach was not full.