Christmas eve didnt do anything much, went to watch alvin and the chipmunks in the evening, then ate at the coffeeshop below my house. A simple xmas eve but what more can we do? haha...
Christmas day another boring day for me, still sick. Woke up felt unwell again, feel like vomiting again, really felt very bad. Christmas day should be feeling happy, enjoying myself, and there i'm sick, omg. So afternoon ate kfc, other than that whole day at home, sian. What a xmas day!
Wednesday early in the morning went to polyclinic for check up. Waited for a long time, don't know how long before i get to see the doctor. Nothing much, just waited for a long time. Anyway everything's fine now.
Friday went for practical lesson, today too. LOL, my car went up the kerb on friday, so embarassing la, i just hope the car don't knock into the tree. Will be booking more lessons, and applying for pdl tomorrow, so that can go out to road :X
1 more week to school reopen... 3 weeks is not enough man seriously. Lots of UTs bombarding after school reopen, it will be test until the second last week of school. And 1 more day to new year! Will be going for countdown tomorrow... Very soon it will be a brand new year, but forget about resolutions, haha. But i'm more looking forward to chinese new year, LOL, coz that's where the delicacies and steamboat come into the picture haha..
Great year ahead for everyone. Be back next year.
Pics for the overnight

Friday wasn't feeling very well, in the noon ate a little, only a little maggie mee, then stomach pains. After that while i was on the bus i feel like vomiting, luckily the bus just stop, or i would have vomitted on the bus, getting down the bus didn't get me anywhere as well, i vomitted into the drain, so embarassing can. After that i ate potato chips and then it all came out again! After that i promised myself i won't eat anything anymore man. Somemore at night have practical lessons.
Practical lesson was fun, never thought i will get to drive in the first lesson LOL. First the instructor teach about the car parts and everything then showed how to use the clutch when moving. Then asked to switch places and ask me to drive. Was so excited and scared lo first time drive heehee.
Saturday wasn't feeling any better, only ate a hotdog bread, coz i was so hungry, luckily it didn't came out. Met up with xian chao and ping & sister to celebrate ping's birthday at a ktv in chinatown. Sang from 2-7pm. Dinner ate only prawn dumpling while i see they were eating rice with chicken and pork, oh my god so delicious!!! Took pics too in the mrt haha..
This morning was feeling better, stomach not pain anymore, later going out to have lunch, pray that everything is fine.
16 dec overnight
Indeed the overnight was fun, first we went to seng siong to buy the ingredients, then head to gek poh to buy things to eat. After that we went to xian's house, my first time there, yes its nice and spacious, especially her bed, its oh so cozy!!! and she's a hello kitty freak LOL.. After fizah came we chit chat for a while then prepare for the steamboat, xian's mum is best coz she prepared the ingredients for us and add on to what we already have, haha..
Ok, model of the day awards goes to fizah, and our ingredients

that's the pig head ... cute

While eating steamboat we were watching star awards as well. After dinner we drank red wine, sponsored by xian, while nora and fizah drank sparkling juice... They said i'm drunk coz my face turned red, but seriously it's just blood circulation haha... take a look at my red face..
pretty glasses

red face

before nora and fizah went off...

After they went off, we took turns to bath, then we start our rounds of mahjong, from 12 ++ am till 5am in the morning, as it gets nearer to 5am our reaction time took longer, coz we were all tired and i'm sleepy ..
More pics to come....
It's 14 DEC! Last day of school, five weeks past, LOL lightning fast. And its HOLIDAY time, good good, it's time for me to replenish my energy and precious sleep ... and welcome christmas and new year! Trying to find a part-time job now... Nowadays its been raining, bad for going out, good for sleeping. Wear more clothes, coz its freezing cold.
My class had a mini christmas celebration on wednesday, we ordered 2 sets of kfc mega meal, just nice for the 10++ of people in the class, amount to $99.90.

On thursday passed my basic theory test. We've booked practical lesson on next friday, i'm exited about driving, and what's more it's in the evening. Friday went to school less than halfway, because that faci just cannot make it, he's biased and boring and whatever, but nevermind, coz i had evaluated him badly. Meet niamniam for lunch then we went to library slack. Went off around 3.30pm, wanted to go to acer center to collect my sick laptop, but halfway realised that i didn't bring the receipt along, oh well. And ya, i've got my laptop back today, finally, i've been waiting for this day, and now i'm using my laptop.
Meatballs from ikea restaurant, they're just yummy
Our footy, and my oversized slippers
Pics from last week..

in the mood for xmas alrd..
Tomorrow going to xian's house overnight with niam, ping, fizah, and nora!! I'm so excited, LOL we'll be having steamboat and play games and talk and laugh and sleep... and i'll be home on monday.
I'd linked my friend's shopping blog, do visit them. Don't worry, they're not cheats, LOL.
Happy holidays!
Saturday went for shopping at marina square and IMM, and didn't bring home anything, either didnt fit or too expensive, but i went home with blisters on my feet, now there will be more scars on my feet. Until sunday went to IMM again then bought a short and belt.
Monday went to ikea and eat our meatball and chicken wings, very long time since we eaten that, yummy. And something funny happen when going i reach my house bus stop. I step on a big big sponge unknowingly the moment i got off the bus, and my slippers got stuck there, so paiseh la i thought someone step on my slippers, i almost fall face down onto the floor. So i just stand on the sponge waiting for someone to rescue me, coz my slippers seriously stucked onto the sponge.
Today left after UT, coz yesterday there's some problem with my laptop, a black screen. So today went to acer centre(again!) to have it checked, now its in for servicing, so for the rest of the week i don't need to use my laptop already, sian... so sad la, no laptop to use, now using desktop which is so.. the old fashion keyboard is so noisy, i miss my laptop. Then tomorrow have to go early to get a laptop loan.
Finally this is the last week before school holidays.. 3 more days to go. yayayay then it will be christmas, then new year, then 1 month of school, then big holidays then chinese new year.. wooo. And not forgetting to wish ping a happy birthday.. haah, ya we'll celebrate it soon.
Have some pics to upload but its in my laptop so have to wait till i get it back, hopefully i don't have to reformat it.
welcoming xmas!!!
And it's december already!!! dont wanna repeat the same old phrase, we know it.. LOL. And the xmas lights are up, my goodness its beautiful
Friday meet up with niamniam, xianxian, and fifi after school, we watched enchanted at cine. Oh my its a great show,, haha.. Meet up with niam at mrt then we travel to orchard to buy tickets first, 7.40 show. After everyone reached we went to have dinner at long john. By then its already 7.30 ++ so we went into the cinema, great show, fairytales, definitely not for guys?
After the show, we walked to far east, and all the shops are closed so we went to kfc and have a drink. And around 11pm? we say goodbye to xian at the bus stop while we went to the opposite bus stop and took 502, then fizah n i took 181 home. Reach home at about 12++, damn sleepy can.
Pictures will be up soon... meanwhile enjoy the beautiful ....

That lovely summer is gone now,
that summer that begin in may,
you thought it would never come to an end,
but before you know it summer is long gone again