Watched Leap Years.. LOL i know it's abit late.. It's quite a nice show and i like the songs by Corrinne May.
Changed my blogskin, now this seems more perfect.

So Monday was my last day of work, basically now i'm free.. Had sakae sushi for dinner to celebrate my last day of work (LOL?). I eat like i haven't eaten for 1000years, although i have had my lunch. Because i'm hungry like hell, the food seems so delicious than the last time i had it, even wasabi taste good. Anyway, i've mailed out my time sheet, i hope i get my pay soon.

So Monday was my last day of work, basically now i'm free.. Had sakae sushi for dinner to celebrate my last day of work (LOL?). I eat like i haven't eaten for 1000years, although i have had my lunch. Because i'm hungry like hell, the food seems so delicious than the last time i had it, even wasabi taste good. Anyway, i've mailed out my time sheet, i hope i get my pay soon.
My internet have some problem since saturday so i haven't been using it for 3 days. I feel so bored and now i know i can't live without internet. I'm bored to the extent i did pilates in my room by reading the pilates book i borrowed from the library LOL.
I'm going to need to buy another bag again.. coz mine is spoilt already.. Yes the one niam's sis bought from Thailand... I'm going to buy a sling and a shoulder bag (as if i'm rich). Wonder if it's because of the raining weather, there seems to be an increase of mosquitos, i've got bites all over my body, and i have to wear all long sleeves to cover up all the huge (literally huge) red patches on my arms and legs.
They've grown up already, seperated from mummy... See the way they are sleeping, SO CUTE!! Especially the one at the corner. She's like lying against the container, yes, it's a fish container. They're probably in the wrong home, that's the home for fishes.
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