My nail biting habit has return and those poor nails have come to an all time shortest! Man i should really stop biting them, they are so germy, oh but they look so delicious. LOL, that's what happens when i have nothing to chew on.
After school went for a talk by a research scientist, who completed the talk in 30mins. I didn't quite understand anything from the talk coz i couldn't understand his accent(most probably not local) and he uses short forms, and some inconsiderate people who are late make so much noise by stomping on the stairs.
Anyway the main point is there's a weird guy who gave his weird comments during questioning session. He actually told the researcher/scientist(in front of EVERYONE) that he wants to be a mediacorp's artist and he's talented. LOL, for god's sake what has the researcher got to do with mediacorp? Before he left, he waved goodbye to someone he don't know and who don't know him. The girl was like looking at him perplexed.
Holiday officially starts! Sleep, sleep and more sleep to come!
Yes, and i should get my hair cut.
Probably get the picture on the right changed as well.
Will be going to Thailand on sunday, so looking forward to the trip since 1 week ago!Sad thing is will be there for only 2-3 days.
I extremely love to travel!
Labels: holiday, nail biting, weird guy
The biggest mistake
Today i made the biggest mistake an RP student can make.
This morning was just as usual, just that there's a feeling something is missing when i'm going out, and somehow i can't figure out what's missing. All the way until i'm just a few metres from the mrt then i realise:
Oh my god! How can i forget to bring my LAPTOP?
Come to think of it i'm probably hungry then.
My memory seems to be losing me ...
Tomorrow cup noodle for breakfast. Wonderful. Now i won't forget to bring my laptop.
Came upon the first gay couple in history, i never knew that happen like 4000 thousand years ago in Egypt(think so) ... Somehow that attracted my attention, not the gay part, it's the history that sounds kinda interesting. Shall share if it's that interesting.
Ordered some clothings on an online shop. This was during April. She say she needed to get the stock and i can get them next week(first week of May) and we've planned a day to meet. SMSed her the next week and say she haven't got it yet, fine, considers that she's still a student(and having exams).
Second week of May i mailed her and told me she's getting it on that week. The third week of May i mailed her, waited for 3 days, no reply. Mailed her again, this time replied, on her last day of school. Understands that nowadays school holidays are nothing, so i ask her when she's free to meet, says anyday.
Fourth week of May(this week), SMSed her to meet on tuesday, no reply. Just emailed her, hopefully i will get a reply soon. She takes a longer time to reply during her holidays than when she's having her exams, weird.
Lucky thing is, i requested to meet her, coz there's lots of negative comments on her shop, now i understand.
Lesson learnt:
Never buy from those who can't plunge in time to make money
Labels: first gay couple, mistakes, online shops
The weather is blazing
HOT! The extreme heat is either going to make me tan or i'm going to melt anytime soon. Guys and girls drink more water. Yes, and parts of Indonesia have started burning, expect hazy skies soon (and runny nose).
1 more week to holiday!
I'm kinda bored, nothing much to write....
Labels: weather
On sunday, there was a family, probably having a gathering. They stood near the escalator at the MRT platform, obviously blocking people's way, and they were oblivious to that. Some were playing games on their PSP, some were talking and laughing, and some were looking at nothingness in the air.
After they got into the train, they got louder because the train wasn't open-aired. Then the worst thing happen, they on music. Some people board the train and went to other cabins because they said that it was too noisy. Finally as each stop went pass, the MRT regain its peace.
LOL. That's a real life story.
Been ages since i went to ps, there are so many finger foods at the basement and they made me salivate. They all look so delicious that i couldn't make a choice and i walked around like a tourist. In the end bought cheesy sausage from a british stall, the cashier is weird.
Counting down 2 weeks to school holidays
To be specific, 6 more school days to go!
Haven't been feeling very well in the stomach...
Gathering, Work, then Mother's day
Had a gathering with sec school friends, as usual first week of every month. We went to bugis as niam and i had to get black shoes for work. After getting our shoes from village we head to V8 cafe for dinner. I ordered dory fillet which is so small but it coincidentally goes well with my t-shirt logo,, shirley temple, not bad a drink. After our dinner we shopped around the area.Working as waitress was tiring. The first dish was the most deadliest one, i swear it weight like 5kg and we have to support it with our left hand and then sashay down the aisle which we rehearsed before people start coming in, like performing for the guest to see. I was assigned a vegetarian table, and the 'vegetarians' were like demanding and sarcastic. They commented on the dish being served too fast and having too many dishes (when the waitresses were in hunger, and of course the children in africa were starving). If you're a vegetarian for religious reasons, Think again.The day went as usual for mother's day. Was supposed to have dinner outside but nevermind, had dinner at home instead. Monday bumped into niam at library, apparently we were thinking about the same thing, haha.
Labels: V8 cafe, vegetarian?
Polka dots
Just went to facial with chao...
I just came home and the first thing i do is look in the mirror and i see a girl whose whole face is filled with red polka dots.
I came to realise that girl is me -_-
Now i feel like burying my face in the pillow.
Oh My God!
Sakae for lunch... Ordered this ice cream from Haagen-Dazz.
It is truely one of life's greatest pleasure to eat it. Its just Fabulous. LOL
Right, off to eat ice cream now. It's ice cream time(again).
Labels: facial, Haagen-Dazz
Wednesday = OFF!
Test on monday, insufficient time to check my answers and not very happy about it. The questions were manageable but the time factor ....
I'm craving for sushi!!!!! since yesterday
Whoever buy it for me i will appreciate it very much..
HAHA, getting desperate here...
Whenever its tuesday, i have an urge to look forward to the end of the day, coz wednesday OFF! That means sufficient sleep, and time for study at home. Bought some clothes online, going to get it on thursday after school. Finally! some new things to fill my wardrobe.
Today's test was still manageable, and there was enough time for me to check my answers and thats great. Today' chemistry sucks, I'm starting to think that the turkey faci's cute!
Lunch at sakae sushi tomorrow most probably ::::::)))))) I'm going to indulge myself in sushi-s and sashimi, since Sakura buffet i love it. Thinking of that, i'm starting to salivate.
Watched Doomsday the other day. Nice show! Very Exciting. I just don't understand why it is rated NC16 when a scene showed a women's breast (don't tell me it's fake?), and various gross scenes like hands being smashed those sort of things. This movie to me is money worth spending.
Its weekend! Nothing much actually, have to prepare for tests next week, just that i can sleep more. I started eating Mac's
vanilla ice cream (VANILLA! i used hate it) recently instead of mcflurry, just to avoid spending another $1.40, LOL. I need money for driving test...
Labels: Doomsday
sick AGAIN
Right, forget about all those bloody test. I'm SICK!!! I'm not sick of those test, i'm literally SICK! Down with flu on tuesday, and now i'm having cough.. Great! This taught me one thing: never sit in front of the fan or enjoy those air con when you're sweating hard. This made me missed my test, and that's great too!
Went for practical lesson with niam. After like 2 months not driving, i finally drove again, HAHA! Driving was alright, my instructor was a malay guy, and he must be the best malay instructor in the whole driving centre. Revise previous subjects and learned to drive on slope, for the second time my car went up the kerb.. this time during U-turing, Great!
Driving is so much fun!
Wanted to clean my room today... but whatever, i forgot about it. I'll do that on saturday...
These hamsters, once a little baby with no fur and un-opened eyes... look how big they have grown. I love to waste my time looking at what they're doing. But too bad, they sleep during daytime and play when i'm sleeping.
How sweet, sleeping side by side.
Blur Blur
Tomorrow's friday! Then weekend ... nice!
I'm watching princess hour for the second time. Such a nice show....
Labels: hamsters, practical lesson