On the last day of my holiday, went out for movie. Watched Definitely, maybe. Quite a good movie but maybe too laggy... in the midst of the movie i was thinking when the whole love mystery is going to end.
The whole day didn't went out too well... Couldn't get my favourite cereal which was meant for breakfast today, i was damn fustrated coz that was the thing i wanted most on the last day of my holiday... Anyway, after watching death note 1 for the second time.. my mood was slightly better... L, so cute!
Sure i will miss my holidays ... I can't believe 2 months just pass like that.. don't know what i've been doing.

First day of school ... nothing much, of course i miss my class from last semester. Met up with some former classmates and fiona during breakout, saw gui xiang at the canteen too. Monday's faci is an ang moh from turkey, very long-winded and .... not all ang mohs are good-looking, mine is one of them.
Today's module and topic was much interesting than yesterday's, and the faci's nice. Wasn't in a good mood today, serious mood swing is going on, i felt damn damn bored. I think about tomorrow not having to come to school, but my mood never got better.
, i should study harder
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